Monday, June 23, 2008

Hungering and Thirsting

Last night we listened and reflected on the blessing, "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness for they will be filled." One comment in my study of the passage stood out. The writer noted that hunger is a sign of health. Lack of hunger a sign of sickness. In a certain sense the writer is saying we can gauge our health by how hungry we are for God's righteousness.
In reading and listening to these blessings, I've begun to notice how much they have to do with our dispositions. Poor in spirit, mourning, meekness--each of these is bourne out of a heart disposition which recognizes our finiteness. If that is so, then to hunger and thirst is a natural result; when we are empty of ourselves, only then can we truly begin to experience a hunger and thirst to fill.
What do you think?

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