Wednesday, October 1, 2008

October 5th Worship Gathering and Meal @ 5:30 p.m.

This Sunday we hope you'll come on over for a meal and a time of connecting--with each other and with God. As always, we welcome anyone who is on the journey to discover what life is all about. At Emmaus Road Church, you're welcome to belong before you believe (even if you never believe, you're certainly welcome to share life with us).

This week, we're starting with a meal at 5:30. Bring any dish or dessert that you like sharing with others. We're all doing the same thing. And, as usual, childcare is provided.

Hope to see you then.


Sharon said...

Hey Andy! Fantastical job this morning! I could really tell that God was there using you!!! I'm gonna stop by one of these Sundays and see what's happening at Emmaus Road.

Andy Lauer said...

Thanks Sharon. Great to hear from you. I really tried to let God give me the message for this weekend. Glad to hear it was of help.

Look forward to getting together soon.

Peace, Andy